Dive into enhanced gaming with PlayTracker’s new desktop app! Exclusive features await!


General About


PlayTracker was created in 2018 by Marijan Mikolić. That’s me, I’m writing this text right now in the third person. I’m going to switch to first person for this bit because it’s weird otherwise.

So, 2018 - I was a student of Multimedia engineering at Algebra University College in Zagreb, Croatia and PlayTracker was my thesis project for a bachelor’s degree. After I graduated and started working in the field, I continued to improve on the site and eventually launched it to the public on June 19th, 2018. I posted it to reddit, and thousands of users rushed it and the servers went down completely. So, overall, launch went ok, I guess.

Over the years, I continued working on it in my spare time: redesigning the visuals, adding new features, and fixing literally thousands of bugs. I didn’t want to add advertising or accept shady sponsorship deals, so I opened a Patreon and eventually started making enough that I broke even on hosting costs.

Several people, all named in the Impressum, lent me their expertise along the way which made it possible to run a project of this scope seemingly single-handedly. Many of them are still involved with the project.

The site grew in popularity organically, and so did the Patreon contributions. In 2022, we decided to commit more to the project and entered a local startup incubator competition, winning a ~33.300€ prize that allowed us to invest into a plan to grow PlayTracker from a hobby into a feasible business that pays the bills without compromising our integrity.

To put it plainly: our goal is to spend our days doing cool videogame-related shit on PlayTracker without having to worry about money too much and without selling out what makes PlayTracker great. In June 2023, we launched PlayTracker 2.0 – the first step on that journey. Join us and find out where it goes from here.